woensdag 23 december 2009

It's ugly. No that's called a scar!

Person: Lisa
Type of belly button: hill-valley.
Long time no blog.
It's called winterbreak...
This is the belly button of the person that made me write this blog.
It's my sisters bellt button.
When I took the picture I told her it was ugly, cause it has this white spot on it.
She said that it was just a scar, not ugly.(another scar...)
Everybody has a taste.
I do not like it, but does she?
Yes, it's fine.
Cause it's is round and soft just like my butt.

dinsdag 15 december 2009

OMG, another flat one!!!

Person: Edward

Type of belly button: flat

When I wrote about the first flat belly button I thought that it could be flat because of a scar.

But when I took a picture of my uncle's belly button I noticed that it was flat too!

O my god. This means, that flat belly buttons are not caused by scars, but that it is a type.

Does my uncle like his unique belle button?
I never take a look at it, so I actually don't have a thing to say about it.


zondag 13 december 2009

The same

Person: Edith
Type of belly button: hill-valley

She pulled up her shirt.
Looked at her belly and looked at me.
'I'm gonna hold my breath to look thinner though,I mean, we just had dinner' she said.
Fine by me, as long as I can take the picture.

And what I noticed while I was taking the picture, was that she and her two daughters all have the same belly button.
Her daughters didn't like it, but does she?
I don't know.
I never take a look at it.

zaterdag 12 december 2009


Person: Julia
Type of belly button: hill-valley
Today I show you yesterday's sister.
My other cousin.
It's actually the same story. But Julia could answer my question and did not just walk away.
She took a quick look at her belly button, giggled. I asked.
Do you like it?
Hmmmmm. No.
It's weird. Hihi.

vrijdag 11 december 2009

The youngest belly button.

Person: Jade
Type of belly button: hill-valley
Today we have the opposite of the latest post.
Today we have the youngest belly button of the blog.
It's 6 years old.
And that's probably the reason why she did not really react on the question:
Do you like your belly button?
Because se answered: hihihihih
And walked away.

dinsdag 8 december 2009

The oldest belly button

Person: My Grandmaaa!
Type of belly button: FLAT
Today is a special day. A very special day. Not only have I posted the oldest belly button but I also discovered a new type of belly button.
I'm shocked.
As usual I had to fill in the 'type of belly button' part, but before I did I had to take a look. A close look.
I looked and thought, and looked better. I couldn't see a hill, I couldn't see a valley and I couldn't even see a hill valley.
I zoomed, I shocked.
It was flat.
The belly button was flat.
What a discovery... what a day.
I doubt if my grandma knows her belly button is so special. But I want to now if she likes it.
Do you like it?
Cause there is a scar right on it.
P.s I have a lot of belly buttons with scars.... hmmmm

maandag 7 december 2009

Let'get the fluffs out first!

Person: Willem
Type of belly button: valley
Today I've posted the second photo of the Sinterklaas celebration.
Since my uncle has a subscription to the gym we all agreed (especially my tipsy mum) that he had to show his devine body in front of the camera.
That's what he did. He pulled up shirt and showed us all his belly button. But, before I could take the picture he had to make sure that there were no fluffs inside it.
Without any fluffs do you like your belly button?
It's too deep and sometimes there are even some fluffs in it.

zondag 6 december 2009


Person: Gijs
Type of belly button: hill
Family meetings are the best occasion to shoot some belly buttons. So why wouldn't I embrace that opportunity???
After eating, laughing, unwrappig gifts, more laughing and some coffee my family started to wonder about my blog.
I explained my family everything about my blog, and instead of finding it ridiculous the thought of it as very very funny and nice.
I took a picture of every belly button and here's the first one.
My cousin's
I thinks his belly button is pretty cool. But does he likes it himself?
Cause you can see it. It's just not too deep in my belly.

donderdag 3 december 2009

I wanna go, I wanna go!

Person : Noor
Type of belly button: valley
Yesterday was quite frustrating because I couldn't post a photo or anything. So sorry for that, but today I've got a new one!!!
After some intense hours of basketball with gymnastics I wanted to take a photo of Tessa's belly button.
Unfortunately we came to the conclusion that her belly button wasn't that photogenic... That wasn't a problem at all. Because we had Noor, she ran over to me and started yelling that she wanted her belly button on my blog.
Ok, sounds good to me!
Here it is, an after-gymnastics-belly button.
Does Noor likes hers?
Cause it's simple. Me likey!

woensdag 2 december 2009

I wanna go, I wanna go!

I want to post the photo and stuff, but it isn't working. I can't upload the photo.
So it will be here tomorrow.

dinsdag 1 december 2009


Person: Kate
Type of belly button: valley.

'Blog? Your blog? You have a blog?', these were the words that came out of Kate when I asked her for m blog. And apparently I didn't tell her about my blog.
But after all she wanted to be on my blog.
Cause, come on, that's awesome right?

It took me some time to take the picture cause misses had a lot of comments on my pictures. But in the end we found the perfect picture.

And I know she likes the picture, but doses she like her belly button?
Cause it's small and modest. It's not bumpy and there's no fat around it.


zondag 29 november 2009

Better now than never

Person: Hadassa
Type of belly button: hill-valley
First I'm going to apologize.
People I am truly sorry that I skipped two days of my blog.
And now I am going to continue.
The past few days were busy busy busy. But I still managed to find a belly button.
Here it is: Hadassa's belly button. When I told her about my blog she started laughing and told me that she needed to be on my blog. Because she loved her belly button. No, because her dad cut her umbilical cord wrong.
That's the reason it's here. Because it's awesome.
And does she like it?
But why?
Cause it's half a bump and half a hole.
(Just like me Hadassa ;) )

donderdag 26 november 2009

But I'm in a hurry!!!

Person: Rivka
Type of belly button: valley
It was 2 'o clock, I was at school and there was one little problem: I didn't have a belly button to shoot.
What to do?
Find a friend.
And I found Rivka.
But when I asked her if she wanted to be the belly button of the day she said no. Reason: no time
What to do now??????
Convince her, and that's what I did. I told her that she didn't have to worry about the time and that the picture would only take 3minutes...
Pfiew, problem solved.
And does she like her belly button?
Cause it's not too deep, not too big , it's just flat.

woensdag 25 november 2009

But I ate too many cookies.

Person: Simone
Type of belly button: valley

When I invited my friend Simone she had no idea that I was going to ask her for my blog.

But when I told her about my plan of posting her belly button on my blog, she said: 'But I ate too many cookies!',
I told her that she didn't have to worry, but still I had to take the picture before dinner.

And Sim, I know you like cookies but do you like your belly button too?
Because it's too vertical.


dinsdag 24 november 2009

You can't see my scar, right?

Person: my mom
Type of belly button: valley
My mom was the first one that tought of my blog as brilliant. That's why she insisted on being my model. Although she didn't want to show her scar on the picture.
And this is the result. The belly button which my dad totally adores.
And does she like it herself?
Because it's symmetric and deep.

maandag 23 november 2009


Person: my dad
Type of belly button: hill-valley

It took me some time, offers and smiles to convince my dad of posting his belly button on my blog. But in the end he accepted my offer of a whole bag of liquorice and so I could take a picture of his belly button.

After laughing and even a bit of giggling about his belly button I took the picture.

Do you like yours dad?
Why not?
It's weird, it's half a hole and half a bump, weird.


zondag 22 november 2009

My belly button

You have to start somewhere. And I started with my own belly button.
Do I like mine?
Because I have the type of belly button I like the least.
You have 3 kinds of belly buttons : a hill, a valley or a hill-valley. The one I would like to have is the valley-belly button, but unfortunately I have the hill-belly button, the one I like the least.
I'm going to ask this question to everybody whoms belly button I take a photo of.
Do you like your belly button?
x Rosa

It's only the beginning


I'm Rosa and my blog is all about belly buttons.
This blog is kind of the result of a bet. My sister moved to Italy for 5 months and I promised her to keep this blog.
I will try to post a photo of a belly button everyday. Not only my belly button, but also the belly buttons of my family, friends and relatives.

Hope you'll enjoy my blog.

x Rosa